The Real American Dream

In light of some of the problems that plague the United States many have either forgotten or have never know what the “American dream” is really about. There is a considerable lack of understanding of why our founding fathers fled the oppressive hand of one, King George. Well, there is little sense in rewriting the history books. However, it serves great purpose to examine two points of interest in respect to the founding of the United States as it relates to the American dream.

Item one – The matter of religious freedom under King George was much less than a misnomer. One had to essentially celebrate his way or no way. This is to say that King George preferred a State religion. It was, in a manner of speaking, a type of the bondage held by the Romans over the Jews. The Israelites were not allowed to worship God as they desired. They had to worship predicated upon the desires of the ruling authority. This was the problem between King George and those that sought freedom.

The real American dream had much to do with religious freedom. The preamble of the Constitution of the United States points to our Creator. It is our Creator that affords us the freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights. The chief freedom is that of religion (or Christianity) as seen by our founding fathers. The 1st Amendment says in part that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…” Hence, part of the American dream is one that allows the free worship of God without interference from Government. Note, the Amendment says nothing about freedom from religion, as some purport. Instead, the Christian need not hide or celebrate in private. He has every right to worship God publically without fear of governmental retaliation.

Still, there are those that seek to destroy Christianity. Christians are the only group of people wherein it is politically correct to offend and attack. Christians are the only ones forced to acquiesce to things contrary to the teachings of Scripture. Moreover, when Christians stand for godly virtues they are called everything but the children of God. Well, this is not what the founding fathers had in mind and this is not pleasing to God. The question, then, is where is the American dream for Christians desiring only to please God?

Item two – Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution discusses taxation. This is important because King George had no trouble imposing high taxes on the people. Among the taxes imposed on the young Colonies were the Tea, Quartering and Stamp taxes. None of these taxes did anything to aid America (not yet the United States) but served only to bolster the British desire. This was, in essence, theft of labour. This is why taxation, as outlined in the Constitution, was designed to be limited in scope and for the specific purpose of defending the homeland. The exact verbiage in part is, “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.”

Now, some argue that taxes should be high. Some even seek to biblical reason for such actions. While it is good and wonderful for the people to be generous and give of their labour it is not encumbered upon the Government to force such generosity. This is tantamount to slavery. Instead, part of the American dream is a dream to work and be successful. Some will fail and others will not. This really does not matter; the pursuit of happiness means there will be a struggle and that struggle comes in many forms. Financial stability, without an oppressive tax system, goes a long way to securing the American dream.

Many things can be addressed and the Constitution can be juxtaposed with Scripture on many fronts. And that is the point – freedom and the real American dream is a dream of worshipping God, even with our money, away from the oppressive hand of King George and the like.


Voting With My Feet

There is no doubt that Maryland is a beautiful State with some wonderful attractions. The mountains in the west are spectacular and Fort McHenry in Baltimore cannot be compared with any other monument. There are also some wonderful people and things to do that causes one to simply enjoy life at its fullest. And, it is true that life can be greatly enjoyed until the State government intervenes and takes away freedom and enjoyment.

Consider for a moment the outrageous taxes and fees in the State of Maryland. It is the only State in the union with a rain tax. Moreover the toll fees are steadily climbing to the extent that the citizens are being limited in travels only because of the fees. This just flies in the face of freedom. While on the subject of freedom, in the matter of  taking taxes Baltimore is not to be outdone with its bottle tax which has forced businesses such as Santonies to close because of the lost business. So freedom has been taken away from those who have chosen to work yet cannot because of taxation. And now Mayor Stephanie Blake and the City Council are considering a ten cent bag tax. For real?

Also for consideration are the attacks on the United States Constitution. The Bill of Rights clearly provides freedom for citizens to “keep and bear arms” yet the State of Maryland, Governor Martin O’Malley and many State delegates seek to disarm the law abiding citizens and, by extension, arming the law breakers. One must nearly be dead by reason of attack in order to obtain a permit to carry.  It just seems that this is not freedom and not what the founding fathers had in mind.

However, freedom was not the idea of our founding fathers rather it was and is the principle of our heavenly Father. Throughout biblical text the idea of freedom screams from the pages stemming from the freedom to decide to serve God, to worship Him or to live contrary to the principles of our Creator. No matter what one decides, freedom to make decisions (whether good or bad) is because God affords His people freedom.

This is why I voted with my feet. While I love my home State and city of Baltimore I detest the idea of the lack of freedom. I could not even get my company growing because of the lack of freedom to grow. Not only that, it was nearly impossible to find a great income source because of the multiplicity of regulations hindering a freedom loving people. So, I had no choice. A change had to be made. Freedom must be had and the freedom I will have. So, recently with my feet I voted.

Yes, I was called and offered a rare opportunity in the State of Texas. When called my hesitation level was a negative zero. I knew I had to make the move. I knew that running to freedom was far better than abiding in bondage. Texas, where everything is big except its income tax because it has none and a free people don’t need freedom taken by removing the rewards of labour. Texas, a State where the Second Amendment is encouraged rather than frowned upon. Texas, a State where the people enjoy this little idea called freedom.

I am not ashamed to say that the other day I voted with my feet. I answered the call to come to Texas and so I took a train bound for freedom. Yes, there are some things and some people that I left behind. The things I will recover and the people can choose as I have; vote for freedom.  Freedom, the God-given idea given to a people who will not let the rudiments of the enemy squash what God has provided. So, Governor O’Malley; see here Mayor Rawlings-Blake, let it be known far and wide that you would not hear my cry so I voted: I voted for my God given right of freedom. I voted with my feet.