The Destruction of a People

Over the past several weeks I have been watching the people of the United States being destroyed piece by piece. Some may not see this as destruction. However, a careful examination of Scripture shows that God’s people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). That lack of knowledge is significant in spiritual matters as well as natural matters. Let’s do a brief examination of the lockdown this country has been subjected to over the past weeks.

A first thing to note is that this taking away of the freedoms of the people began of misinformation and hyperbole. This misinformation was the projections that COVID 19 was set to kill many people over a short period of time.[1] This was not only false information but that it seems to have played a major role in pulling from facts and introducing fear to a people that have failed to seek information for themselves. This lack of knowledge has caused people to bend to the whims of dictatorial despot wannabes whose sole desire is to impose a false authority on an unlearned people.

Another thing needing a little examination is the matter of fear. Among other mediums, the media at large became a useful tool in introducing fear to millions of people. That was done in part with the regular use of the term “social distancing.” There is hardly a news segment from the mainstream media wherein the idea is not introduced. One might argue that this is a form of indoctrination as it is the repeated mantra of an idea that has yet to have a clear scientific basis. In fact, social distancing is very harmful to individuals as humans are communal by nature. Yet, the fear-induced propaganda has sought to lead the uninformed to believe that this virus is so dangerous that we cannot even touch our faces even in the absence of anyone that may have the slightest chance of being infected. Fear is most effective in the absence of knowledge and so the fear of being close to someone has made many angry and rude. This goes to the oxymoronic idea of social distancing.

The list of destructive ideas is long. There is the closing of parks by some jurisdictions when it is proven this virus lives a very short time in the sun. People have been giving citations for attending church services while sitting in their cars. Pastors have been arrested for holding church services. Beaches have been closed. Businesses have been lost. Millions are sitting home waiting for the government to send them money not realizing the government does not care and cannot care about the individual. The list of atrocities goes on as the governmental agencies seem to mandate the people kowtow to authoritarian rule. However, to be subjugated to the government is indicative of the fact the government controls you. This ignorance of people causes them not to realize that when the government controls you there is no freedom.

With this contemporary look at the destruction of a people, it is reasonable that a biblical examination be employed. John 10:10 highlights the motivations of the thief. The text, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” Said differently, the thief (the devil) has but one purpose: the destruction of a people.

The thief is no friend to the people of God. He comes to destroy you by any means that will cause that destruction. This is much like what is going on in the United States today. The enemy has stolen the peace of many. There is little trust in our fellow men. Brother has been turned against brother. The truth has been stolen by reason of an abundance of lies and hyperbole. One lie the enemy will tell you is that you are worthy and that you deserve to die. Well, let me tell you, you are worthy, and you deserve to live. Christ came so that you could have life and that life is one free from the destruction of peace

This thief, this enemy, has also come to steal. While that may seem obvious, these dictatorial restrictions of heavy-handed despot types have stolen lives by reason of suicides directly linked to the restrictions.[2] Moreover, some have died because they were not able to get necessary medical care because of the restrictions placed on hospitals. Peace of mind has also been stolen. Joy has been stolen. Careers have been stolen. Yet, Jesus came that our life would be more abundant. For those of us that trust God we know that what the cankerworm has eaten God will restore (Joel 2:25). And, while that text is specific to certain people the principle of God remains strong. God is a restorative God.

There has also been a lot of destruction of the past weeks. Families have been destroyed. Some lives will never be the same. All of this has happened because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of what is going on in the natural and spiritual worlds. It is high time we stopped the destruction of a people and stood on our founding principles. Those principles are outlined in the Word of God and that is where we find life. The destruction will be abated once we come to the knowledge of truth and begin to rest in that. And, while the Word of God is our founding principle we need also to rest in the knowledge of the law of this land, the Constitution. Once both are properly employed the destruction of a people will be abated.

Finally, think not that this essay is to make light of those seriously impacted by COVID-19. It is not. The intention of this is to remove the blinders of fear as we stand steadfast in truth.



The Greatest Enemy

I must admit, the coronavirus has gotten many worked up and in a frenzy. Some are afraid to leave their homes and others are even more afraid of coming in contact with other people. The media and politicians have ramped this virus to the point that you would have thought this virus would be the downfall of mankind and the end of the world. Fear has crippled the world at large and this country in particular. Fear has caused people to wear face masks and if one person in some communities contract the virus people run around as though the sky is falling.

Look, it is not my intention to make light of this virus. For some it is lethal. Being sick is no desire for anyone. Hence, certain precautions are necessary for any viral disorder. Even so, this same panic was not prevalent during the time of the Swine Flu. In perspective, the Swine Flu was contracted by about 61 million people in the United States.[1] This resulted in about 13 thousand deaths. There was no widespread panic. There was not the closing down of cities, states, nor the workforce. As I recall, the mentions of it on media did little to instill fear and panic. And, I would argue, rightly so.

As I pen these words, the confirmed cases of the coronavirus are about 77 thousand and about one thousand deaths. Yes, this is tragic. Every life is precious. Still, comparatively speaking, this is a very small number. With a nation of about 350 million people, the number of people contracting the virus is about .00022%. This means that most people will not contract this virus and most do not know anyone infected. So, why all this panic? Why all the fear? What is going on causing panic where all that is needed is good basic care?

While I am not a medical doctor and don’t pretend to understand all such matters. I can say of certainty that Satan comes but to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). The question must be asked as to how Satan (the thief) performs these most nefarious actions. Simply put, if the thief desires to kill who you are in God, he will dangle fear in front of you so that you do not do what God has ordained you to do. You may become fearful of failure so that you will not step out in faith and do what the Almighty has for you.

The thief will also steal your future and motivations from you. He will cause fear to settle on you so that your God-given motivations are snatched from you before you realize what is going on. Before you know it, the gifts that God has given you to build His Kingdom have been lost because the enemy took them by reason of unjustified fear. He will also destroy you with fear. Now, this is not talking about the fear of God which is a reverence to Him. This fear is the unmitigated distortion of facts and truth in order to hold you hostage to the lie. Fear is the most destructive enemy and if allowed will stop the strongest man in his footsteps.

I repeat I am not saying don’t take care of yourselves. Wash your hands. If you are sick stay home. Take care of yourself and others. In doing this, don’t let the greats enemy, fear overwhelm you. Don’t allow and temporary moment in time to impact the rest of your life. So, stand strong. The winds of adversity come but for a moment. Don’t let this fear determine your future and don’t let it snatch from you the very thing God has created you for. You are more than that and the enemy knows it. So, stand.

Remember, the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but that Jesus came that you might have life and that more abundantly. So, go for the abundance and kick fear out of your life.
