The Great Threat

Most recently President Obama declared the greatest threat to the security of the United States is global warming. The suggestion is that man is causing undue and irrevocable harm to the Earth. The problem is that the idea of global warming has been debunked on a number of fronts. There are, however, a number of things that do threaten the security of the United States. Among those things is the political attack on police officers to the extent they are unable to do their jobs. Still, this article has little to do with the politicizing of police tactics rather more to do with what the great threats to this nation truly are.

One immediate threat to the United States is the influx of illegal aliens. While the law still requires specific avenues for entering the country many come in without regard to the law. Many of these illegal people are provided housing, medical care, education, and welfare on every level. All this is paid for not by the Federal Government, but rather by the tax payers. These privileges are provided in conjunction with jobs that legal immigrants and citizens are unable to obtain thereby creating economic problems. Perhaps our President would do well to enforce immigration laws rather than pontificating on greatly debated hypothesis.

An additional threat to the security of the United States is the rise of ISIS and other Islamic groups. Now, I know that I am reaching far beyond the realm of political correctness. The fact is that political correctness will not properly deal with the great threats faced by this nation. The truth is that Islam does not like the Western ways of the United States and has considerable disdain for Christianity.  This is why Islamists behead Christians, kill those that oppose them and are working tirelessly to have a world-wide caliphate. Moreover, ISIS has declared that it has scores of insurgents already in place in the United States and seeks to plant its flag at the White House. It just seems that an entity that has declared war on these United States is far more crucial than the rambunctious ramblings of those preferring to keep their heads buried in the sand. It is true the earth warms and cools daily (if not more often) yet the threat of a warmer earth cannot compare to the immediate threat of those that seek the permanent demise of this nation.

There are other threats to this nation that should be of grave concern to the powers that be. Perhaps the term moral turpitude is familiar to some? This country is now in a moral downward spiral that can only be likened to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Same-sex marriage is now the central point of political conversations. If one disagrees with abortion and free contraception he is seen as warring against women. Right has truly become wrong and wrong has been lifted as the epitome of right. Yes, there is a great threat to this nation and that threat is not global warming. That threat, at least one of them, has more to do with the idea that anything goes.

The fact of moral decay goes hand-in-hand with the fact that many have forsaken the Gospel of Jesus Christ in exchange for the feel-good-gospel. It seems that this nation has succumbed to the idea of doing whatever ever feels good; the consequences will have to be dealt with later. Moreover, many in power and seeking power appear oblivious to things they know are right just to garner votes from a few immoral souls. Yes, there has been a forsaking of the Gospel yet the Gospel will stand despite those abandoning it.

Paul posed the question, “You did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” This question posed in Galatians 5:7 lends credence to the fact that at one point the Galatians sought to obey the truth. Still, there was someone or something that caused them to pull from what they knew to be right. The same is the case for the Church in the United States. There has been a pulling away from what is true and right thereby impacting the country at large. This is the great threat to the United States. Yes, terrorism seeks to create fear while hedonism has reared its divisive head. Yet the thing that is most threatening these United States is the lack of honour and service to the God we have pledged allegiance to.

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