Lost Causes

Some of you may have had the opportunity to see the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington starring James (Jimmy) Stewart. In the movie, Stewart’s character is a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed honest man full of honest ideals. His world is nearly crushed when he finds out that honesty was a rare trait. His desire to help young boys was seen as a lost cause but that the help of an initially reluctant quintessential aid propelled “Senator Smith” to take a stand on the Senate floor bringing attention to the worthless lost cause despite all those that sought to destroy this upright man of integrity. In the end, victory was had because in the mind of the young senator the only causes worth fight for were the lost causes.

Today we have like problems in Washington. There is so much evil that one can barely keep up with the scandals. Lies on top of lies are being told while the freedom of a people is slowly but surely being placed in jeopardy. Christianity is now the enemy of those that disdain freedom while The Constitution is treated as though the articles written therein are nothing more than suggestions rather than the law of the land. Freedom, as it seems, is a lost cause. The United States government is becoming larger and larger and the people are enjoying much less freedom. Yes, it seems that the freedom of a people is nothing more than a lost cause.

However, this is a lost cause that is not being ignored. It is a cause worth fighting for because freedom means that individuals can worship God as they see fit, speak their hearts, live where they choose and the list goes on. Yet the very idea of freedom is troublesome to some as indicated in the Affordable Care Act which is somewhat of a paradox because it is far from affordable and has little to do with health care. It has more to do with collecting data on the United States citizens and stripping freedoms from them. Even so, there are some that are standing and fighting this lost cause. Some seek to defund it while others seek to eradicate the law by other means. Either way, to many fighting the mammoth intrusion on the lives of a people is a lost cause. This is the reason it is worth fighting.

And there are other attacks on the freedom of this great nation. The government is collecting data in phone records. Emails are subject to scrutiny even if the authors are breaking no laws. Property rights are being impinged upon and attacks on free speech seem to be the order of the day. It is all a lost cause because the apathetic bow down to the powers to be simply because they will do what they want no matter what the people say. Well, there are some that will not give in to the freedom takers of this nation. One such person is Mark Levin. He constantly rails against the anti-constitutionalism and makes legal fights through his law firm against those that dare come against freedom. Moreover, Mr. Levin urges people to fight lost causes with him. One such way is through his most recent book The Liberty Amendments. [1] It would seem that Mr. Levin fights because freedom is a lost cause worth fighting for.

Just as there are attacks on the constitutional freedom of a people the attacks are just as great on those that name the Name of Christ. Christians are being attacked on every hand. To stand for the Word of God now means that Christians are insensitive bigots. However, before the dawn of Christianity, the Word looked down through the annals of time and saw countless lost causes. He saw people inundated by sin and that they stood no chance of enjoying communion with the Father. Even more, those that knew not the Father would be damned and forever separated from God. He saw lost causes that could not be ignored. With that, the Word became incarnate (John 1) and allowed Himself to live as a mere man. Christ knew that if He did not reach out to man then man would never know the freedom salvation brings. For these lost causes not only did Christ dwell in an earthen vessel but became the ultimate sacrifice for all so that reconciliation could be made with the Father.

There remain many lost causes on earth today. The disciples of Jesus were instructed to go into all the world and preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15). That command is no less significant today. The lost causes are still worth fighting for. In fact, because they are lost causes they are the only ones worth fighting for. With that, it would be wise to use the tenacity of Senator Smith while honoring the Word of Christ to fight for the lost causes.

6 thoughts on “Lost Causes

  1. Pingback: Lost Causes | preachercarter

  2. Oh WOW!!! Amen and amen Pastor Carter, we do so need that tenacity instead of the almost constant burying our head in the sands. I wonder how many of us will discover that we are like the servant that buried the talent because we didn’t want to lose the Lord’s investment, and He will instead find a people that have simply buried His word instead of adding to it! God bless you my friend!

  3. You are so right my sister. So many of us don’t even try because of what others might say. Well, if you ask me that is a sore excuse for not taking a stand. You are right, we need to lift our heads from the sand do the work we are required to do.

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