No Time for God

     Considering the fact that Genesis 1:1 begins the creation narrative all too often the fact of the term “beginning” is elusive to many. It should be noted that this term is not indicative of the start of time at large rather it is noting the beginning of recorded time. Said a bit differently time did not begin with Genesis 1:1 but that time, like God, is eternal. Moreover God does not operate within the confines of time simply because time is His idea. Now, this may sound like a bunch of senseless rhetoric but it is significant that God, the One not influenced by time stepped inside of time in order to redeem mankind.

     Fast forwarding to John 1:1 the same term “beginning” is found and its implications are the same as those found in Genesis. This time two members of the Godhead are specifically identified as “Word” and “God.” Creationism is addressed in little further in the Johannine text but then John moves on to discuss the reason Christ, the Word, came. John 3:16 clearly shows that the incarnate Christ came that eternal life would be made available to mankind. That is the Second Person of the Godhead laid down some of His attributes, stepped outside of eternity in order to bring sinful man back in right relationship with the Godhead.

     But His work went way further than simply becoming incarnate. He took time to mature as a human inside the womb of a woman and humbled Himself to the extent that He obeyed His earthly parents. He took time to grow in His earthly body and took time to learn how to live as a mere man. The God of time took the time to walk with man as man walked with Him. In this walking Immanuel took time to learn how to use His hands as a carpenter among other things that men do. Even more this Christ took time to minister to all that had need of healing whether it was physical, emotional or spiritual. Even at this Christ was not done.

     After His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane Christ stood in time to be falsely accused of crimes He could not have committed.  After conviction the innocent Christ remained in time to be beaten, mocked, whipped, have his beard pulled out and so much more. Yet this Christ, this Immanuel, refused to pull from the limits of man as He was paraded down the Via Dolorosa en route to Golgotha. He took time to hang on that old tree with hands and feet nailed firmly in place. At the right time the crucified Saviour took time to give up the ghost and found himself confronting our enemy. He left the confrontation victorious in that Christ took from Satan the keys, or the authority, of death, hell and the grave. Even after this Immanuel took time to rise from the dead and walk on earth for forty days and minister to others.

     And He is still not done. Christ now sits on the right hand of the Father making intercession for us all. He is taking time to present us spotless to the father countering the accusations of the enemy. Yet many have no time for God. There are things far too important than to take time out for the Saviour of mankind. You see there is no way some will go to church on Sunday and the car is dirty. It will take at least three hours to properly clean the car so there is really no time for God. But after the cleaning of the car the all important ballgame will be on. This game must be watched so God will just have to wait. The game is far too important and so God will simply have to understand.

     Wait a minute! Perhaps the issue could be resolved by reading just a few versus of Scripture before getting started with the day. No, no, there is no time for that. Breakfast has to be made and eaten, the kids have to get off to school, the job is waiting and to others those talk shows and soap operas have to be taken in. No, there is truly time for God in this busy world. Besides dinner has to be cooked and that party has to be prepared for. Who has time for God with all this going on? Besides those college studies are extremely important so God will just have to wait. There is simply no time for God.

     What if God had no time for us? What if He stopped taking time to love man even in his sinful state? What would happen of God stopped time and allowed man to be swallowed in the abyss of his sin? What if God did not take time to care? Undoubtedly those who have no time for God now would suddenly find time for Him. Unfortunately that may well be too late because time is winding up and Christ will take time to step off His throne to receive the Church unto Himself. At this point time will not matter to those who chose not to take time for Him.

     If there is anyone who has no time for God you might be well advised to take time to consider your ways before time runs out. Yes, there is a reason to make time for God.

6 thoughts on “No Time for God

  1. Pingback: No Time for God | preachercarter

  2. Gary Whitney

    Very true message, and very convicting. Are you positive on your position that God and Time have both existed eternally? I am much more used to hearing of time as a creation of God. He exists outside of time, is unaffected by time, and is the creator of time.

    1. First, thank you for taking time to read and comment. I believe I can say that time by its very nature is eternal. Just as God has no beginning time simply cannot be calculated. This may be a question for serious theologians (I pretend not to be one) but no matter the eternalality of either God is preeminent.

  3. Lee Spain

    You make several very pertient points in your article. I agree with your point that anyone who has no time for God will someday regret the decision. You state that in Genesis 1:1 that God’s creation really did not confine itself to the the “time” as we know it. I agree.

    I also believe that since God created the Heavans and the Earth “from nothing” that would begin the concept of “time” as mankind can understand it. I also believe your stipluation that God’s idea of time and man’s idea may not always be the same. We cannot begin to understand the basic knowledge of God, yet mankind is always trying to “explain” God in a way that the world can understand.

    I believe that only through the guidance of the Holy Spirit can we truly begin to gain the wisdom of God that He desires man to have to better worship and understand Him. Thank you for taking time to point out a great need that man needs God in his life everyday, and your attempt to make ur realize the need for Him each moment of each day!

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