Sick and Tired of Attacks on Christmas

Yea, I know that Christ was not born December 25th more than two thousand years ago. That is no reason not to recognize our Lord and Saviour. And, despite the ridiculous ranting of Jamie Foxx Jesus Christ is Lord and it is because of Him that we live and move and have our being. This is the reason I celebrate what has been deemed Christmas Day; it is not that I celebrate Jesus on this day alone but I find reason to give Him homage because had He not been born He could not have died. As such His death is the reason I live.

Having said that the atheist, like cockroaches in the night, find this time of the year to attack not merely Christmas Day but also the reason for the season; Jesus. I have had my fill of a few coming against the Christ that has given me life. Yes, I am sick and tired of those that choose not Christ working to tell me that I should celebrate Jesus in private because “religion” has no place in the public sphere. Well, Christians do celebrate in private but it is also necessary to worship God openly and in public so that others can see the God in us. Even more Christ mandated that Christians go into the world and teach the Gospel. So, if the atheists don’t want to hear about the God that loved them so much that He sent His only Son to die for them then they need not listen.

Now, I have to wonder how many of these atheist will come against Islam? I wonder if they have an aversion to Muhammad who took issue with Christianity?  Did they really study the founder of Islam to find that he was married to multiple wives the youngest of whom was nine years of age when he took her to wife? What about the hate spewed by the Islamists that see Christians and Jews as the infidel?   Why is it that Christians must be so maligned no matter what?

Well, you know what? I am sick and tired of those that attack the Holy One. I grow weary of seeing Him crucified over and over again simply because many have chosen to hate rather than give in to His everlasting love. I would that I could turn these stony hearts to hearts of flesh but if those that loathe Christianity because their own idiosyncratic reasoning choose not to celebrate then I might suggest that you go loathe in private just as you think that Christianity should be celebrated in private. Even more, we that are Christians don’t condemn the godless merely because they are godless rather we realize that but for the grace of God we too would be godless.

Yes, this is my rant. It has been forced upon my hand. You see, my first name is an old German one which means “bold protector.” As such I stand tall and strong in defense of my Lord and Savior. Were it not for the fact that Jesus was born to die I would stand no chance. It is in Him that I live and move and have my being therefore I really don’t care if I offend because I celebrate Jesus. You see, He has done more for me than I could ever do for myself and because of His love for me I cannot, no, I will not deny Him.

Yes, I am sick and tired of the attacks on Christmas but you can bet your boots that I will not give in, I will not be made ashamed and I will not stop sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ MY Lord and Savior.

I bid all a Merry Christmas as we usher in the day we celebrate the incarnation of the only Begotten Son of the living God Jesus the Christ!

8 thoughts on “Sick and Tired of Attacks on Christmas

  1. Pingback: Sick and Tired of Attacks on Christmas « preachercarter

  2. Bill

    Perhaps if more Christians ranted these attacks would diminish. Atheism is in itself a religion who worships the human and the material. It is the churches (especially the mainline) that have adopted a policy of silence. People do not realize that their religion does overflow into their public lives from their private lives. In essence we have allowed hte lie to be perpetrated and backed away from the battle.

    1. I cannot agree with you more my friend. Christians are told they can’t pray in public yet no other sect has to deal with that. We are told that we need not reach out to others yes some others seek to kill us because we trust in Jesus. Well, you know what, I have had my fill. I promised God I would serve Him and that is exactly what I will do. And if my stand offends the nonbeliever I will continue to hold up the blood-stained banner. After all, those that are offended by my serving Christ seek to offend me by coming against Him. Well, I will just have to stand.

      Thank you sir.

  3. john primm

    William, I agree with Bill in that the old time mainline churches stopped believing in Christ long ago and have infected what were once the elite of our Nation. They gave their people dust and called it life…and wondered why their churches have died away. What remains is for people such as you to hold the line and speak the truth…and realize as Isaiah said, ‘our thoughts are not His thoughts, nor our ways His ways (sic)”. Keep the faith and I will pray for you…also remember that God sometimes writes straight with crooked lines…

    1. It is unfortunate that many have chosen to walk away from the truths of the Gospel. Yet I am convinced that there is a remnant that will not relent. It is my hope that the remnant stands fast without wavering.

  4. Darla

    Sorry William, I disagree. Christmas is a pagan holiday, honoring the worship of the Sun God, and we are specifically asked through out the scriptures to worship God in truth. Jeremiah 10 specifically talks about the Christmas tree, and we’re told not to learn the way of the heathen and worship God the way they worship their gods. That’s all we’re doing by observing Christmas. If you want to respect and honor Christ, you’ll avoid associating him with pagan traditions.

    1. While there are certainly some pagan ideas place in the celebration to include Santa Clause, the term is significant. Christ is the Anointed One and mass is celebration. My celebration is for Him and Him alone.

      Thanks for your comment.

      1. Darla

        The term was coined by the Catholic Church when it tried to convert the pagans into Christianity. All they did was say that Saturnalia and their other solstice celebrations were equivalent to the birth of Jesus Christ. There is nothing about it that isn’t pagan, not just Santa Claus. The term is a lie. Your celebration may be for him, but God commands us to worship him in “Spirit and in Truth”. We can’t worship him in truth if we are clinging to the customs which honor other gods.

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